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This section shows what we spend and breaks this down into the ongoing running costs and major capital investments. The majority of services are provided in-house, however certain specialist services are provided by East Riding of Yorkshire Council under a service level agreement.

Please scroll down the page to find out more.

What Does the Service Cost?

Find out the current costs for providing a fire and rescue service for the Humber region and where that money comes from, by opening our webpage:

What Does the Service Cost?

Annual Statements' of Accounts

The Annual Statement of Accounts summarises the financial performance of Humberside Fire Authority, and is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom, published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

Annual Statements' of Accounts

Annual Audit Letters

An annual, independent audit is undertaken to review Humberside Fire Authority’s Annual Statement of Accounts.

The external auditor must express an opinion as to whether the Annual Statement of Accounts is free from material misstatement, whether there are reliable systems of control in place, and what the arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources include.

The annual audit letter sets out any misstatements or issues arising following the audit.

Annual Audit Letters

Management Accounts

The Management Accounts represent a summary of the financial activity of Humberside Fire Authority, highlighting significant outturn variances that may be: potentially detrimental to the finances of the Authority; in line with budget; or potentially advantageous to the finances of the Authority.

Management Accounts

Treasury Management Strategy

The Treasury Management Strategy Statement sets out Humberside Fire Authority’s borrowing, investments and cash flows, including its banking, money market and capital market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities; and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.

Medium Term Resource Strategy

The Medium Term Resource Strategy (MTRS) describes the financial direction of the organisation and outlines financial pressures. The MTRS provides options for delivering a sustainable budget and capital programme over the medium term.

The MTRS sets the financial context for Humberside Fire Authority’s revenue budget, capital programme and precepting decisions.

The MTRS is available to read in the "Our Plans" area of the website.

Efficiency and Productivity Plan

The Minister of State for Crime, Policing and Fire requires all Fire and Rescue Authorities to produce an Efficiency and Productivity Plan aligned to Home Office guidance regarding content. The plan below explains how Humberside Fire Authority aims to deliver efficiencies and increased productivity, against national targets, set in the Spending Review.

The Efficiency and Productivity Plan is available to read in the "Our Plans" area of the website

Corporate Finance and Procurement Quarterly Update