Wheelie bins are often used by those involved in anti-social behaviour and low level crime to provide fuel for deliberate fires.
Often bins are wheeled to another location and the set alight, but lives and property can be endangered when wheelie bins are torched close to a home. Wheelie bin fires release toxic fumes and smoke which pollute the environment.
We would like to urge residents and businesses to store all bins away to avoid them becoming a target for arsonists.
Don't let your bin become a target
- Store all wheelie bins away, especially at night, to avoid them becoming a target for arsonists
- Only place your wheelie bin out on collection day and return it to your property as soon as possible after collection
- Whenever possible, wheelie bins should be stored securely behind locked gates
- Do not overfill your wheelie bins or leave loose rubbish around them
General wheelie bin safety advice
- Don't place hot items in the bin, for example: smoking materials, hot embers from coal/wood or hot ash
- Don't store wheelie bins by windows or doors, a fire in the bin could easily spread to your property
- Never put batteries in your general rubbish bin or with other recyclable materials like card, metals and plastics.
- Always take unwanted electrical items or lithium-ion batteries to your local household waste recycling centre. You can find your local recycling centre here.
Position statement - Arson and Deliberate Fire Setting
Humberside Fire and Rescue Service is committed to preventing the impact emergencies can have on our communities and to taking a lead role in the reduction and prevention of arson and deliberate fire setting.
Arson and deliberate fire setting can have a big impact on people, the communities of Humberside, the environment and the local economy.
We work closely with other agencies and communities to reduce the financial, psychological, emotional and environmental impact of arson and deliberate fire setting. We will look to engage consistently on the issue of arson and deliberate fire setting and work in collaboration with the Police and relevant partner agencies on detecting and preventing arson and deliberate fire setting. We will utilise national best practice as appropriate as well as share local solutions nationally to contribute to arson and deliberate fire setting reductions.
Humberside Fire and Rescue Service will assess the impact of the activities delivered by using local data, intelligence and information, as well as discuss arson and deliberate fire setting regularly with partner organisations to mitigate the impact on people and communities.
Humberside Fire and Rescue will:
• Ensure that information regarding arson and deliberate fire setting is shared appropriately across relevant organisations to protect
people and prevent arson
• Reduce the danger to the community and firefighters from the hazards caused by deliberately set fires
• Investigate fires with Police colleagues and relevant partner agencies to detect arson and deliberate fire setting
• Work with young people to prevent fire setting behaviours
• Work within local partnerships and with businesses and residents to protect against arson and deliberate fire setting
• Provide information on the prevalence of arson and deliberate fire setting across the Humberside area
• Present evidence in court to bring to justice those who undertake arson related activities
• Support the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Arson Reduction Strategy