Everyone, including partner agencies can use the link and contact details below to get in touch with us and make a referral for a visit.
Please note that not every referral will automatically generate a visit, as we will prioritise against those most at risk from fire.
If referring partners are aware of any potential risk to our staff, they should ring 0300 303 8242.
Faulty smoke alarms can also be reported on 0300 303 8242.
Please do not use this form for arson threats, these must be reported to the Police.
Find out more safety advice through our webpages and in the PDF version of our Home Fire Safety Booklet.
Position Statement - Home Fire Safety Visits
Humberside Fire and Rescue Service are committed to conducting targeted Home Fire Safety Visits within the homes of those who are most at risk of fire.
We recognise that the most effective way of preventing fires and any associated deaths or injury is to ensure that we engage with those vulnerable from fire in our community and provide them with effective advice, relevant information and appropriate guidance.
We contribute to delivering Health and Wellbeing outcomes across our area. We will identify areas of need for Health, Police and Local Authorities across a range of priorities which include: Falls Prevention, Smoking Cessation, Winter Warmth, Social Isolation, Cardio-Vascular Disease, and Crime Prevention and signpost through Making Every Contact Count.
Humberside Fire and Rescue Service are committed to making the local community safer utilising the skills, knowledge, information and experience of its employees and relevant partner organisations.
Humberside Fire and Rescue will:
• Analyse our incident data to constantly update risk information and communicate this clearly to the public
• Utilise both local and national data to assess who is most likely to be at risk of fire
• Create and utilise a range of different media to educate the community about fire safety in the home
• Raise awareness, educate and train partners to recognise those most at risk of fire
• Offer referral routes to assess those who are most at risk from fire
• Have a clear and accurate system to determine who is most vulnerable from fire and would benefit from a Home Fire Safety Visit
• Offer a variety of practical solutions and equipment, where necessary, for those most at risk of fire
• Refer vulnerable people to other partners where there is need, consent and it is appropriate to do so