To continue to deliver an excellent emergency service to our communities, we must look ahead to what we want Humberside Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) to look like in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what is to come. Our vision is to keep communities in the Humber area safe, keeping our firefighters safe. Contributing to the emergency response capabilities of the UK.
Our Strategic Plan, and the various strategies underpinning that plan, will gradually move us towards becoming the fire and rescue service we aspire to be.
Our plans
Public services are facing real challenges in providing efficient and effective services at a time when budgets are reducing. Our plans set out our intentions over the next three years to meet the challenging needs and risks within our community and how we intend to meet these.
Our performance
As we look back at our performance our reports show how we have performed against our own targets and also what our future targets are.
Our reports highlight our continued improvement towards our effectiveness, efficiency and how we look after our people during a pandemic, as well as reporting on our involvement within the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) and how we have supported partner agencies and communities.
Our aim will always be to deliver efficient and effective risk-based prevention and protection services targeted at the most vulnerable in our communities and a highly effective response service to deal with emergencies when they do occur. We welcome your questions and comments about this report, or any other areas of your Fire and Rescue Service.
In the latter half of 2021 we changed to Bi-Annual performance reporting.