There is no formal obligation upon a Combined Fire Authority to adopt a Constitution. However, the Fire Authority considers that a Constitution provides the most effective means to set out its governance arrangements and a framework for greater openness and engagement with our communities.
The Constitution brings clarity to role of the Authority and how decisions are taken. A bespoke committee structure has also been adopted.
This Constitution follows broadly the structure that has been adopted by most local authorities. In this way our communities should be familiar with the overall structure of a Constitution.
The Constitution is divided into 15 Articles which set out the basic rules governing the Authority’s business. More detailed procedures, responsibilities and codes of practice are provided in separate parts, which follow the Articles.
It is intended that the Constitution is written in plain language, easy to follow and understand. Guidance upon the Constitution is readily available from the office of the Secretary to the Authority.
The Authority encourages feedback upon its Constitution.
A copy of the Constitution is available below.