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Humberside Fire Authority was formed on 1 April 1996 following The Humberside Fire Services Combination Order 1995 being passed by Parliament.

Since then Humberside Fire and Rescue Service has served communities within the areas of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Kingston upon Hull City Council, North East Lincolnshire Council and North Lincolnshire Council. Elected Members (22) are appointed by these Authorities along with the Police and Crime Commissioner to sit on the Fire Authority for a period determined by the appointing authority, normally one year from the Annual Meeting of the Fire Authority in May each year. The number of Members appointed by each of the 4 authorities is based on the number of registered electors in each Council’s area and according to the political composition of each Council. The Police and Crime Commissioner is also a Member on the Fire Authority for the duration of their term of office. The current composition of the Fire Authority is as follows:

  1. East Riding of Yorkshire Council: 8 seats
  2. Hull City Council: 6 seats
  3. North East Lincolnshire Council: 4 seats
  4. North Lincolnshire Council: 4 seats
  5. Police & Crime Commissioner for Humberside: 1 seat

The Fire Authority is responsible for providing, training and equipping a Fire and Rescue Service capable of undertaking the following functions:

  1. Fire prevention
  2. Fire safety
  3. Firefighting and rescue
  4. Road traffic collision extrication and rescue
  5. Other emergency rescue activities including responding to flooding and terrorist attack
  6. Special discretionary services (these are subject to charging)

For further information about the responsibilities of the Authority, click on the links below:

Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Civil Contingencies Act 2004

How to contact the Fire Authority

Fire Authority Members can be contacted directly through their Council's website and find out more about who our Members are here.

Alternatively, you can contact the Committee Manager by email at

Or by calling (01482) 393204/393899 (available Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm).

Timetable of Meetings

Click below to see when meetings will take place.

Meeting timetable

Decision making

The Authority is a corporate body with the legal responsibility for making decisions about all matters concerning the functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Authority which are vested in it by statute and / or common law.

However, only the Authority will exercise the following functions:

  • Variations to the Authority’s Constitution
  • Revenue budget and capital plan
  • Levying or issuing a precept or borrowing of money
  • Major policy issues including:
  • Number and location of fire stations
  • Major organisational variations to the managements or command structure
  • Major variations to the establishment
  • Proposals for expenditure not within approved revenue or capital plans
  • Adoption of a Scheme of Members’ Allowances
  • Appointing a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Authority and of its committees and sub-committees (with the exception of the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee)
  • Any other matter which by law must be reserved to the Authority itself

The Fire Authority is advised by the following designated statutory Officers:

  • Head of Paid Service (Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive)
  • Monitoring Officer (Monitoring Officer/Secretary)
  • Section 151 Officer (Executive Director Service Support)

Members’ Allowances

The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 made provision for Combined Fire Authorities to establish Member Allowances Schemes from May 2003.

The Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 require the Authority as soon as is reasonably practicable after the end of each financial year to publish the allowances paid to each Member. Each Member of the Authority receives a Basic Allowance to recognise the time devoted to Fire Authority work. The Special Responsibility Allowances are payable to those Members who hold positions which require them to spend more time and effort on the Authority’s affairs than would be expected of other Members. Travel and subsistence allowances are payments made to reimburse the Members for expenses incurred on Authority business.

The schedule of Members' allowances and expenses is set out in the notices below.

Members Allowances Scheme

Members Allowances paid notice

Members’ Register of Interests

The Localism Act 2011 requires all councillors to complete a Register of Interests.

The register of interests is a document that allows anyone to view details of any interests that could potentially result in a conflict of interest in a councillor's duties.

Councillors are obliged, by law, to keep their register entry up-to-date and to inform the Monitoring Officer of any changes within 28 days.

Register of Interests Fire Authority

Register of Interests Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Register of Interests Pension Board

Complaints about members

If you want to complain about the conduct of a Member of Humberside Fire Authority, you must submit your complaint to:

The Monitoring Officer
Humberside Fire Authority
Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Summergroves Way
Kingston upon Hull

or email

A form will be sent to you for completion and return (or it is available below).

Only complaints about the behaviour of a Member will be considered. Complaints about things that are not covered by the Members’ Code of Conduct will not be progressed. If you make a complaint it must be about why you think a Member has not followed our Code of Conduct for Members.

Submit a complaint

Member Code of Conduct

Photography, filming and social media use in Authority meetings

Can I record, film, take photographs or use social media during meetings?

Yes, during meetings that are open to the public, under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 you can:

  • film
  • audio record
  • take photographs
  • use social media

The Chairperson has the right to terminate or suspend proceedings should such activities cause disruption during the meeting.

Closed or private meetings (due to the discussion of confidential or exempt information) cannot be filmed or audio recorded, nor can members of the public be in attendance.

Please note: should you wish to film, record or photograph open meetings we kindly request that you the Committee Manager (01482) (01482) 393204/393899 in advance so that suitable provision can be made.

Who can be filmed?

When filming, photographing or recording meetings, you should focus on recording Members, officers and the individuals who are directly involved in the conduct of the meeting. Members of the public who do not wish to be filmed or photographed should have their wishes adhered to.

What sort of facilities should councils/authorities provide?

Councils/authorities are required to provide ‘reasonable facilities’ to facilitate the recording of meetings, such as a designated space to view and hear the meeting, seats and, where space allows, a desk.

Can I object to being filmed / photographed during meetings?

Members of the public who do not wish to be filmed during meetings should make this known to the Committee Manager or Chairperson and those filming, photographing or recording meetings should respect those wishes.

Are there any meetings I can’t record, film or take photographs in?

Where the meeting contains exempt information as set out in the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Authority/committee may agree to formally exclude the press and public from the meeting, thus terminating the recording/filming of the meeting.

What is classed as ‘exempt information‘?

The exempt information set out at Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Act is as follows:

1.Information relating to any individual.

2. Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.

3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

4. Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the authority.

5. Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.

6. Information which reveals that the authority proposes –

(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or

(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

7. Information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.

Who should I contact if I want to film, record or take photographs during a meeting?

If you wish to film, record or take photographs during open meetings please contact the Committee Manager in advance of the meeting so that suitable provision can be made:

Tel: (01482) 393204/393899

Annual Statement of Assurance

Annual Governance Statement

Productivity and Efficiency Plan

View Humberside Fire Authority's Productivity and Efficiency Plan on Our Plans page.