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On this page you will find a summary of the messages of thanks we have received in 2024.


I just wanted to pass on my own thanks and the appreciation mentioned below to your crews at Peak Lane for their actions and support at the tragic incident at Tetney Lock a couple of days ago. Clearly this incident had its challenges, so it was great that our crews were able to work so well together and manage this incident in the best way possible. Please could you pass on my thanks to all your staff involved and thank you for the continued operational partnerships that work so well on our bordering areas.

I attended the full time firefighter recruitment day on the 5 January at Clough Road fire station. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what a fantastic day this was. The event was very well organised and structured. It gave potential candidates the perfect insight into the daily life of firefighters and what would be expected of them. The staff where very professional and approachable and where more than happy to answer any questions we had. Thank you all at Humberside Fire Service for a fantastic day.

We wanted to express our gratitude for your hard work putting out the fire at our recycling facility. We know you had better plans for the holiday period. This hamper is a small way to show appreciation of your massive efforts. Sending love and thanks from the team. Bespoke Recycling Solutions.

I attended the full time firefighter recruitment day on 5 January at Clough Road fire station. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what a fantastic day this was. The event was very well organized and structured. It gave potential candidates the perfect insight into the daily life of firefighters and what would be expected of them. The staff where very professional and approachable and where more than happy to answer any questions we had. Thank you all at Humberside Fire Service for a fantastic day.

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to thank our local Hornsea retained fire fighters for there expertise and efficiency in extinguishing a fire at our house yesterday evening. We had the unfortunate need to call after our bin set the garden shed alight. The team were wonderful from the minute they arrived and very helpful in giving me the necessary information for our insurers. Please would you pass on our thanks and appreciation. Kindest regards Sarah & Keith


Just wanted to pass a huge thank you for coming to our meetings on Tuesday. A number of the Brownie parents have messaged to say thank you and the girls really enjoyed the session, especially the Egg. Thank you for coming once again and hope to see you soon, and I am still looking for any job as I think I would really enjoy your job.

Please pass on my thanks to all who attended the youth service last Sunday. It was so good to see your cadets there looking very smart and proud. May your unit go from strength to strength and I look forward to seeing you all at future events.

Thank you to Humberside Fire brigade for their fast response when our home carbon monoxide detector was alarming in the night. My son is 6 and today he discussed with his teachers and class mates the importance of having a carbon monoxide monitor and checking it. Some of his mates have messaged to say they went home and told their parents to check theirs to make them safe. I was super proud of my son doing this.

My dad would have been overwhelmed by the honour paid to him by the service, as we arrived at the church to see you all gathered along with the Pump made us as a family incredibly proud that our dad was so highly thought of and respected. I was incredibly emotional as I passed you all in the line but wished to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful tribute you paid to our dad, it was a great honour you paid to Dad and our family thank you once more.

Thank you to Firefighter Joseph McMullan and Ricky Page from Blue Watch Scunthorpe for showing all the Air Cadets from 300 Isle of Axholme Squadron Air Cadets around the Fire Engine during their visit to the station on 20 February.

My year 5 daughter attends Carr Lane Primary in Willerby and she has been significantly praising the recent visit that you (Ry) carried out there, remembering you by your first name which isn’t always something remembered. You have certainly left a strong impression on her from your input, which is testament to the passion, dedication and skill you have no doubt delivered with. My daughter doesn’t always come how and express how engaged they have been, credit to you, I am being re-educated in detection and escape plans! A thank you and some really positive feedback that I wanted to share.


I was recently doing a running race with my border collie. I've ran thousands of miles with him and never had any problems, but when we stopped to get some water and food he had a seizure. A runner called Mick was there and immediately came over and took control of the situation and did first aid and managed to help my dog recover. He stayed with me and my dog until someone came to collect us so I could get to a vet but I never really got chance to thank him. All he said was he was a fire fighter from Hull, so I'm assuming he works for you. If he works for you and it's possible please could you pass on my contact details so I can thank him.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for today to the amazing firefighters that came and got our two little boys out of our car. They were accidentally locked in and were extremely upset. The firemen worked quickly and cautiously to get them out all whilst keeping us calm. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Such brilliant caring people!!!

Thank you to crews their speed and efforts in responding to the incident and for their sheer professionalism in dealing with them, she states that she will forever be in their debt, thank you. Her 3 year old son witnessed this and now considers the FF’s his superheroes, he wasn’t at the property when I visited but I have spoken to mum about him possibly visiting the station at a later date to offer some further reassurance to him, his grandfather was a serving firefighter at Peaks Lane so this has cemented his love for the job his grandfather did.

Just wanted to send a huge thank you for taking part in our STEM Conference yesterday. All the workshops were so well received and we’re so eternally grateful for you giving up your time to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals!

Mr John passes on his sincere thanks to the two members of the Hull F.I.R.S.T service who came out at the weekend to help his wife. He said Jody and Howard were absolutely brilliant and he couldn’t praise them enough. This is the second time he’s had the team out and he said it’s a service that they couldn’t be without.

My family and I would like to thank everyone who attended my dad’s funeral yesterday. I was lost for words when the funeral procession pulled in and saw so many people. It meant so much to all the family to see so many of dad’s ex colleagues and friends there. Thank you also for all your generosity in the donations given for Dove House hospice. My mum and I delivered the money to them this morning and I’m very proud to say we were able to give them over £1,000 which will hopefully go towards helping other families. - Thomas

Just a quick email to say thank you to your crew, they looked after our crew and taught them a lot and I greatly appreciate it. - Peaks Lane Blue

To Peaks Lane White Watch, Thank you so much for visiting Control and delivering Marine Response input to Red Watch, the presentation delivered by WM Tees was really informative, the watch appreciated WM Tee’s expertise and experience provided from his FRMR role within the Service. Thanks Again, from Red Watch Control.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Liz and Mark for attending this week’s STEM in Careers Event at Tranby. The students and I really appreciate them taking the time out of their busy work schedule to come to our school to share information about what you do, how it links to what they are learning in school and inspire our students with STEM activities.

I just want to express my appreciation for your help on Tuesday. As I’m sure Rich would have mentioned, I was off sick and very much worried about the event and letting you and those attending down, I’m told it went really well. I really appreciate it, thank you. - Humberside Police

Thank you very much for taking the time to bring the Command unit to visit Control Red Watch. The input given around the capabilities of the newly refurbished Command Unit was really well received by the watch, it was great to see in person the work carried out by yourselves when mobilised to an incident.


The Drewery's who would like to pass on their sincere thanks to the crew that attended an RTC they were involved in and had to be cut out of.

Thank you to Ry and Dan were that came to deliver the presentation at Frederick Holmes - they made lots of adaptions to both their input and their delivery to meet the needs of our pupils.

Thank you to the Service for the quick response on cutting her elderly mums ring off, she said from talking to Reception to then the control staff and then the crew turning up everything was so fast and professional, she said the crew were amazing with my mum who has dementia and really put her at ease.

Barbara would like to pass on her thanks to Immingham Station after they fitted a smoke alarm – she said they were absolutely fantastic!

I would just like to say a big thank you to the fire crews from Scunthorpe and Brigg who saved my home (and my sanity) when my sprinter van caught fire and spread to my house. I've never experienced a fire before and the speed and ferocity it took hold of my vehicle is something I will never forget. Their professionalism tackling the blaze and the compassion following it were unbelievable. This was my dog van and I had managed to rescue my beloved doggos and get us all to safety at the back of my house and watch the flames in a state of shock and terror. The fire crews were amazing with my dogs when they were able to clear a path to where we were sheltering. They showed such kindness and concern and made a dreadful morning less horrible. We can't thank you all enough. Much love Mel and the doggos - Zephyr, Spook, Hex, Robin, Kite, Wren, Cassidy, Wyatt and Sundance.

Hello, I would like to pass on my thanks to two firefighters Angela and Ry for their help on 29/04/24. Both had called in to the Shores Centre in Withernsea for lunch and while there they noticed us calling an ambulance for the CEO who we thought had had a stroke. They both came over and asked if they could help at all and spoke to the CEO in a very calm and reassuring manner. At this point we had been waiting approx 1 hour for the ambulance to arrive, Angela spoke with the operator and was informed it would be another 1.5 hours! to which Angela and Ry said it was too long and we needed to get her to hospital. They helped us to get Jayne (CEO) in to a car comfortably all the time giving reassurance in a friendly relaxed way so as not to cause alarm to Jayne and staff members who promptly took her to hospital. Fortunately, it wasn't a stroke and has been confirmed as a neurological disorder that mimics a stroke. I would be very grateful if these superb firefighters are given a huge thank you on behalf of the Shores Team and praise from the fire chief too, what a credit they are to you. Kind regards, Lyn Healing, Chair to the Trustees of Shores.


Thank you to the Crew from Barton who got soaked attending the walk with 3 dads walking.

On behalf of everyone I would just like to thank you both for the Road Safety day you did for us today. I have had a lot of feedback from the men who all enjoyed it and found it very interesting. Certainly an eye opener for a lot of us. Thank you once again. Network Rail

Please can you pass on a massive thank you to your Red Watch team Peaks Lane who came to visit us in school yesterday. They were fantastic with the children and really showed the children what a great and inspiring job firefighters do. We loved seeing the excitement on the children's faces and they learnt so much from the visit that we will use in our future learning. Thank you again for your support in helping to set this up and a massive thank you again to Red Watch.

I wanted to pass on my sincere thanks to Will for arranging the visit that was held on 25 April. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed it and still speak about it. They have learnt a great deal and we would be really interested in building the visit into our pathway curriculum. As you were aware the visit was to engage and educate our most vulnerable children, all of which have significantly complex special needs which means road safety and fire safety is a real risk. All the children engaged well and were able to recall key safety information. I think the highlight of the day was certainly using the hose! So again I would like to offer my thanks to Will and all the firefighters at Clough Road White Watch and to Mark who led the road safety talk.

My wife and I took our grandson to Homestead Lake today to feed the ducks. I'm not sure which Watch it was but the were training in the water and invited our grandson over and let him throw a lifeline out and pull one of the team to the shore. He was so excited to be involved. He is only three and as you can imagine is mad on fire engines etc. a massive thank you for engaging with us. Brilliant work. Cheers guys.

We would like to thank Sue for the talk, last night, at Tickton WI. Members enjoyed the evening and found the whole event interesting and informative.

Thank you so much to Martin for speaking at the GP PTL on Thursday last week. We were all really grateful for your input and really demonstrated our commitment both to safeguarding and multi-disciplinary working as a safeguarding partnership.

Sarah and Dan from Prevention came to talk to our residents on the 29 May, about Fire Safety and things they could do, to keep themselves say at home. They were very helpful, and left Leaflets for the residents to read. They very kindly had their pictures took with the residents as well.


To Ry and Blue Watch: I just wanted to say a big thank you again for coming to visit us this afternoon. It was such a valuable learning experience for the children! The crew were brilliantly organised and the opportunity for the children to split into smaller groups to experience different parts of the truck was extremely useful - Priory Primary School.

To fire cadets: I wouldn't have thought to make the donation unless it was for the efforts of Mary Jennings and the fire cadets at the10k who were absolutely superb!! The very best of the young generation!

To White Watch Scunthorpe: Thank you so much, they were absolutely fantastic and very helpful.

Cleethorpes Scout Group would just like to say a great big thank you to RED WATCH for attending our fun day on Sunday 9 June. All our young people were really excited to see them and to have a look around the appliance.

To Road Safety Team, Winifred Holtby would like to express on behalf of the staff and pupils what a fantastic day they've all had! Every single pupil really engaged with the day, which can only be credited to the engaging sessions provided by your team.

To Sue: I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing Sue coming to the cadets in North Lincs last night to assist in our project supporting the great share the roads campaign. This allowed us to capture some great pictures for social media , allow the Cadets to tell Sue what research work they had been doing around the campaign. As always Sue was truly amazing with the group , engaging with them to promote road safety , telling great stories associated with safety and being approachable to all. Whenever Sue comes to the group it has been so very positive ,enthusiastic and just an all-round lovely person. Please pass on mine and the whole cadet groups thanks for her coming at very short notice. - Jason F

Cleethorpes Rotary Club would like to send their thanks to Peaks Lane White Watch for their attendance at Wintringham School for the NSPCC Kids Out activity day.