Oxygen equipment safety
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In response to a serious incident, Humberside Fire and Rescue Service and the Hull City Healthcare Partnership worked with students from Hull College to produce an oxygen safety film.
The film shows the consequences of a smoker using oxygen and gives advice and information to all oxygen users regarding the safe use of oxygen equipment in their home.
After it's offical launch in 2015 at the Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds, the film has been used as part of our Home Safety Visit strategy when we visit oxygen users. Our bespoke safety information on oxygen safety has also been used to train healthcare professionals, and we continually work with the NHS both regionally and nationally to increase the safety of all oxygen users.
In 2015 the film received a Community Safety Award for it's use in raising awareness of oxygen safety in the home and since it's launch, it is been used by a number of other Fire and Rescue Services across the UK.