Ten more retained (On-Call) recruits passed out today to take the total for the week to fifty.
As the temperature dropped to just above freezing, the third of three special events was held on the parade ground at Service Headquarters as ten new recruits from Howdens Joinery joined the Service. That makes a total of 50 new front-line staff who have joined this week alone!
Wednesday - On-Call (20)
Thursday - Full-time (20)
Friday - Howdens Joinery On-Call (10)
The relationship with Howdens has gone from strength to strength over recent years and the Service today handed over the keys to an engine to be permanently housed on their large site near Howden.
Since 2010, Howdens has released eight retained firefighters to respond to over 600 fires and 300 Emergency First Response calls. Today, ten more retained staff accepted their certificates including two females, five Polish and one Latvian.
It was wonderful to see so many family members here to see their loved ones take part in a live exercise and then pass out in front of Chief Fire Officer Chris Blacksell, Howdens directors and the Chair of the Fire Authority Cllr John Briggs. Santa was even rescued from the top of the OTC using the 30m ladder platform!
The Endeavour Award went to FF Anna Brzezinska and the Silver Axe for best overall recruit on the course to FF Brian McKenzie. Well done to all of the Howdens On-Call recruits.