Got a spare room? There’s never been a better time to turn it into a unique piece of Hull culture. Many have got creative and will help play host to Hull 2017, but if you plan to have paying guests, their safety whilst in your home is vitally important.
As part of the UK City of Culture 2017, many homeowners around the region have invited far-flung family or old school mates who’ve moved away to come back and see what's happening in Hull. Some are even planning to make some new friends by choosing to rent out a spare room to visitors.
A Starter Guide for Safe Hosting appears on the Hull 2017 website and covers everything you need to know, but there is some specific fire related advice which much be followed:
What is a fire hazard
- Who is at risk?
- What is your plan to keep people safe?
- Record, plan and train
- Maintain your plan
Click here to access all you need to know if you plan to have paying guests.
The Hull 2017 website has loads of top home makeover tips and handy web links at the ready to help get you started.
There is even makeover advice from interior designer Linda Barker of BBC 'Changing Rooms' fame. Linda launched Homestay back in August 2016. Check out her stylish budget bedroom created exclusively for Hull 2017 by clicking here.
Homestay is just one of the many ways you can get involved with Hull 2017. To discover what other opportunities are available to you, click here: