Market Weighton Fire Station will be opening its doors to the public on Sunday 5 July for its annual Open Day.
The station on Cliffe Road will be a hive of activity from 12 noon onwards with fun for all the family. There will be a tombola, cupcake stall, face-painting, barbecue and refreshments to keep everyone fed and watered.
The Community Safety team will be on hand to offer young and old alike some home safety advice and the Road Safety Team will have the iCar experience to alert young adults of the consequences of excessive speed and driver distraction.
Friends and colleagues from partner agencies such as Humberside Police and Yorkshire Ambulance Service will be there as will the Emergency First Responder vehicle which is helping deliver fantastic response times to Market Weighton residents and the surrounding rural areas.
As always the ‘stars of the show’ will be vehicles and specialist equipment which show the public at close quarters what diverse and dangerous work Humberside Fire and Rescue Service carries out. Top billing will no doubt be the 30 metre ALP (aerial ladder platform), lead out boat and other water rescue equipment.
For those who have always wanted to give something back to their East Riding community, staff will be on hand to explain what it takes to become a retained firefighter at Market Weighton. Your home or work location, the fitness levels required, the pay and most importantly the benefit of helping your local community can all be discussed on an informal basis.
The fun lasts until 4.00pm - why not pop along and say hello to the crews keeping your community safe?
Market Weighton Fire Station,
2 Cliffe Road,
Market Weighton,
East Yorkshire.
YO43 3BN