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Road and Water Safety

Humberside is served by an extensive network of roads and waterways. Alongside three busy motorways (M62, M18 and M180), there are a series of trunk ‘A’ roads and smaller roads in urban and rural areas.

The rivers Humber, Hull, Trent and Ouse, a canal network run through areas of population. There are also many lakes and meres in more rural areas. These attract swimmers and bathers, particularly in warmer weather.

What are we currently doing?

  • We are an active partner in the Safer Roads Humber (SRH) partnership, alongside Humberside Police and the four local authorities.
  • We align with our SRH partnership and associated strategy to deliver educational activities to prevent road traffic collisions and reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads.
  • We have a dedicated Road Safety Engagement Team seconded to SHR that runs a range of education programmes aimed at young people, mature drivers, cyclists and motorcyclists to engage with our communities on all aspects of road safety. This sees us deliver sessions to thousands of children and young people in Humberside each year.
  • We support campaigns led by the NFCC to promote staying safe in and around water.
  • We work with partners, including the Local Resilience Forum to educate the community on the risks in and around water across our area, including from the risk of flooding.
  • Our prevention Advisors support firefighters to deliver proactive water safety engagement activities in their areas using the water safety flume and other resources.
  • We have worked in partnership to implement eight water safety throwline boards at water locations across the East Riding of Yorkshire.

What we plan to do?

  • Implement the new Road Safety Vision Zero Strategic Plan with our SRH partners to direct the work of all partners.
  • Expand our water safety education programme and the number of water safety throwline boards across the Humber region to reduce the occurrence of accidental drowning.
  • Continue to work with partner agencies, such as Local Authorities to support our prevention activities.
  • Consistent and timely public awareness, and education campaigns delivered at a national level would support local initiatives and campaigns aimed at reducing the impacts of climate change.
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