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Going to university or college is an incredibly exciting time in a person's life. It's a time when you embark on a new journey of knowledge, self-discovery, and growth, providing memories that will last a lifetime.

Whether you’re moving away from home for the first time or into new student digs, it’s important to be aware of some easy tips that can prevent fires and injuries. Following our simple fire safety advice for keeping yourself and your housemates safe.

  • Working smoke alarms save lives. Make sure they are fitted to the ceiling on each level of your property. Test them regularly
  • Be aware of where fire alarms, door and window keys are located and fire equipment is kept
  • Make sure fire doors are closed at all times and not left propped open
  • Plan and practice an escape route with your housemates. Have a back up plan in the event your first escape route is blocked
  • Switch off electrical equipment such as chargers and hair straighteners, as soon as you have finished with them
  • Charge devices whilst you are awake, not when you are sleeping
  • Avoid overloading plug sockets
  • When you have finished cooking, make sure your oven, hob or air fryer is turned off
  • Do not cook when tired or if you have had alcohol. Instead prepare a cold snack or treat yourself to a takeaway
  • Keep the cooking area clean. A build up of fat and grease can easily catch fire
  • If you smoke cigarettes, make sure to put it out properly and take care when you’re tired to avoid setting furniture alight. Never smoke in bed.

If you live in halls of residence

All universities and colleges have a person responsible for fire safety. If you have any concerns or questions about fire safety in halls of residence for example, you've spotted a fire risk, speak to the responsible person.

If you are a disabled student and would need assistance if there was a fire, let the university or college health and safety officer know when you arrive.

You should also:

  • Check what the fire safety rules are, such as any ban on candles in rooms
  • Pay attention to fire drills
  • Never ignore alarms

Privately rented accommodation

If you live in a private house or flat, make sure it's fitted with smoke alarms on the ceiling of each level of the property and that they are tested regularly.

Check that your escape route is clear. For example, make sure there are no bikes blocking your exit in the hallway and be aware of any windows that are barred.

If you have any concerns or notice fire risks, don't hesitate to reach out to the responsible person designated for fire safety in your university, college, or private accommodation.