This year marks a significant milestone as Humberside Fire and Rescue Service celebrates its 50th anniversary of dedicated service to communities across the Humber region.

To commemorate this golden anniversary, we invite you to join us in sharing your fond memories of Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. Whether it's a recollection from a community event, a school visit that left a lasting impression, or our response to an emergency incident, we want to hear your stories.
Share your memory:
Community Events: Were you part of a local fair, open day, or community event where the Service took part? Share your experience and the impact it had on you.
School Visits: Perhaps you remember the excitement of us visiting your school, educating on fire safety and emergency procedures. Tell us about the lasting lessons you learned.
Incidents: If you have a memory of when our firefighters attended in a time of crisis, please share your experience of their exceptional action and response.
How to share:
Send your memories via email to along with any photos. We'll be featuring selected stories throughout the year to celebrate the incredible bond between our communities and the Service.