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Humberside Fire and Rescue Service has declared a major incident due to the unprecedented number of 999 calls being taken during today's record-breaking heatwave.

We are urging people to only call 999 if they have a genuine emergency or if there’s an immediate risk to life. Our Control Room is responding to a very high volume of 999 calls and mobilising crews to fires across the Humber region.

If you smell smoke in the area, please keep windows and doors closed.

During prolonged periods of high temperatures and minimal rainfall, grass and foliage can be at risk of fire as everything is very dry.

Here are some ways you can help reduce the likelihood of fires starting:

  • Don’t discard cigarettes or matches whilst walking or driving through the countryside
  • Don’t have BBQs in unauthorised areas and make sure it is cold before it is disposed of correctly - never leave it unattended
  • Don’t start campfires in the countryside
  • Don’t discard rubbish – litter such as reflective cans and glass can start fires
  • Report any evidence of illegal fire setting activity

In an event of a fire:

  • Move to a safe place and call the fire service on 999 immediately, provide as much detail as you can – size of fire, location and terrain
  • Don’t tackle the fire
  • If you haven’t already, evacuate the area as soon as possible – these fires can spread fast