For the next financial year in 2023/24, we are asking members of the public if they would be willing to increase their funding for their fire and rescue service.
We understand that any increase may be unwelcome in these challenging times. However, with the additional funding, we can maintain the services we currently provide and invest in resources that help our firefighters respond to incidents, such as grassland fires and flooding. These investments will benefit everyone in the Humber region and help to keep us all safe.
Many properties within the Humber region are in lower Council Tax bands so, for the vast majority, the proposed increases are smaller.
We are asking for your support by selecting one out of the four options below:
- Option 1: An increase of 22p per month (£2.69 per year) on a Band D property
- Option 2: An increase of 42p per month (£4.99 per year) on a Band D property
- Option 3: An increase of 67p per month (£7.99 per year) on a Band D property. Please note: this option would require a public referendum which would generate further costs to the Service.
- Option 4: No increase
Find out more and take part in our consultation by visiting the consultation area on our website:
There are two main sources of funding that we rely on to deliver our services to the community: the precept, which is the element of council tax raised locally; and grant funding from central government.
Humberside Fire Authority provides a fire and rescue service to the communities of Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North and North East Lincolnshire; a population of more than 900,000 people. As with most public sector organisations, Humberside Fire Authority continues to face significant financial challenges over the next few years, and it must continue to work hard to ensure that it can continue to deliver a high level of service at a lower cost. If the council tax precept is not increased further reductions in the services provided will have to be made.
Consultation closes at 5 pm on Friday 27 January 2023.
The final precept recommendation will be considered by Humberside Fire Authority at its meeting on 10 February 2023.
If you have any questions about the consultation or require it in an alternative format, please email: