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National firefighter tests rolling up hose

As part of the selection process, you will be required to undertake physical tests which aim to assess your level of fitness, strength and manual dexterity as well as your level of confidence in simulated exercises.

The following tests are designed to reflect operational practice and may change from time to time. Candidates will be asked to complete a Medical Screening Form prior to undertaking any of these tests, this is to ensure that individuals are fit enough to undertake them.

Humberside Fire and Rescue Service physical tests are:

  1. Manual dexterity
  2. Equipment carry (rural test)
  3. Ladder extend to lower
  4. Enclosed space
  5. Casualty drag
  6. Ladder lift
  7. Ladder extension
  8. Ladder climb
  9. Swim test

Before candidates begin the physical tests they will be required to complete the multi-stage fitness test, also known as the bleep test. This is a progressive running test that is used to predict aerobic fitness.

It involves running back and forth along a 20m course in time with an audible bleep.

To be successful, you need to reach level 8, shuttle 8. This is equivalent to running for approximately eight and half minutes, covering a distance of 1400m, which is close to one mile.

Multi stage fitness test video transcript

Multi-stage fitness tests, our bleep test,

Is a progressive running test that is used to predict aerobic fitness.

This involves running back and forth under twenty metre course in time with an audible bleep.

You should pace yourself, so that your foot touches, or is behind the line when hearing the bleep.

Before turning and running to the other end of the course in time with the next bleep.

At first, your running speed will be slow,

but will increase at the start of each level when you'll hear a triple bleep.

To be successful, you'll need to reach level 8,

shuttle 8. This is the equivalent to running

for approximately 8 and a half minutes covering a distance of 1400 metres,

which is close to one mile. You can familiarise yourself beforehand by

downloading a 20 metre bleep test app from your devices app store.

Many of these are free to download. Ensure that you use a suitable open space

and measure the distance of the course to provide an accurate result.

You can attempt a similar test on a treadmill by running for nine minutes,

starting at 8.5 kilometers per hour

and increasing speed by 0.5 kilometers per hour each minute.

You can also use a bleep test app to help you to train for the test.

Try running one level, then resting one level until you can no longer keep up with the bleep.

You can also do this with a partner by running alternate levels

and resting whilst your partner runs.

Another example is to forward the app to level 7,

complete the level, then rest for one minute and repeat three to four times.

Try to progress this to level 8,

or level 9, so that you are confident of passing the test.

Manual dexterity test video is currently unavailable

To complete the test successfully, you will need to assemble and then when ordered to do so, disassemble the equipment on the table in front of you following a number of diagrams.

There is a time limit to complete the test and it is 4 minutes 43 seconds.

Equipment carry test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to combine endurance, upper and lower body strength and co-ordination.

You will be carrying equipment over the length of the course,

moving around the two cones which cover a distance of 25 meters.

The items are laid out in order,

which they are to be used, there is a start and finish line.

There is a time limit to this test and the time to complete,

it is 5 minutes and 37 seconds.

Ladder extend to lower test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to raise the ladder, a short distance to simulate the

action required to extend to lower a ladder.

There is no time limit to complete this test.

The instructor will command stop when the instructor is satisfied with the lift.

Enclosed space test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to wear a breathing apparatus mask.

You will not be under air, you'll be assisted by an instructor to put on a breathing apparatus,

mask, gloves, and helmet. With your mask un covered

and in natural light, you'll be expected to enter the enclosed space.

The aim is to negotiate the enclosed space.

This test will confirm your ability to move safely in enclosed and confined spaces.

Once you returned back to the entrance,

your mask will be covered over and you will be expected to go through the space again.

There will be a time limit to complete this test and you will have

5 minutes.

30m casualty drag test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to combine upper

and lower body strength and coordination and must complete this test within a time limit.

The time limit is 37.4 seconds.

The test will be set out in 10 meter sections,

with a 90-degree turn after the first and second 10 meter sections.

Ladder lift test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to combine endurance, upper and lower body strength,

and coordination to lift a ladder to do required height and lower

it safely under control. The cradle will be weight loaded.

There will be 3 lifts in total.

There is no time limit to complete this test.

Ladder extension test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to haul the ladder to the maximum height and then lower safely under control.

Applying the correct technique.

There will be a time limit to complete this test and it is 14.5 seconds.

You'll be in Instructed,

how to use the correct technique before the test starts.

Ladder climb test video transcript

To complete the test successfully,

you will need to demonstrate confidence going up

the ladder, applying the correct technique and coming down again.

There is a time limit of 3 minutes. Within this test

you will have to demonstrate a leg lock and look over and successfully

call out a symbol as instructed.

You will be wearing a full body harness and will be attached to the fall arrest device.

An updated swim test video will be available soon.

The swim test is designed to ensure that you have a basic level of swimming competency and can demonstrate confidence in water.