The Prevention, Protection and Enforcement Delivery Plan identifies the key areas of focus which will be delivered to achieve the objectives of our Strategic Plan 2021-2024.
We consulted with the public and partners from 29 April to 21 May 2021 and have taken on board some key observations and have now published the final version of the plan.
Thank you to all those who took part in shaping our plan which will directly deliver outcomes to support the following strategic objectives:
- We will understand our community and the risks they face.
- We will help our communities and businesses to stay safe.
- We will effectively deliver activities to prevent fires and other emergency incidents.
- We will protect our communities from fires and other risks by delivering fire regulation, legislation and protection activities.
Our delivery of Prevention and Protection activities will continue to help people to prepare for emergencies; working hand in hand with our partners to reduce risks and demands. We will help keep our communities safe and make them a better place to live, travel and work.
Our enforcement role supports our education role and we will continue to target those businesses that put our communities at risk by not complying with fire safety standards. Whilst achieving the above strategic objectives, we will also contribute towards managing the Service in other outcomes connected with Prevention and Protection, including people focussed objectives.