Our consultation is now open.
Today we launch our consultation on our Integrated Risk Management Plan, known as the IRMP. This is a second year refresh of our IRMP 2018/21.
We want to hear from you on how we can make it better.
We’re asking five questions that we want your opinions on. These range from looking at a carbon neutral fleet to our methods for risk-based inspections. Have your say via our online form in the Consultation area of our website
The detailed plan describes the geographical area we cover as a Fire and Rescue Service, including background information about the demographic, social, economic and environmental issues within our area.
It also identifies:
- The risks facing our communities
- How we assess that risk
- How we help reduce risks
- How we respond to deal with emergencies when they happen
We use a wide range of data to understand the areas most at risk and use this information to help plan prevention activities, our response to emergency incidents and to ensure we have the most appropriate resources available in the right areas at the right time.
We also include information about how we use internal self-assessment and independent scrutiny to ensure the service we provide for you is effective and efficient.
Consultation runs from 12noon 1 August to 12noon 30 September 2019.If you require the form in another format, please contact the Corporate Communication team, via 01482 565333 or by email to corporatecommunication@humbersidefire.gov.uk