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In the build up to Bonfire Night, Humberside Fire and Rescue Service is urging residents to be extra vigilant to ensure the season goes with a bang for all the right reasons.

Bonfire Night should not be viewed as a chance to burn waste or household rubbish, they should be recycled or disposed of using the household collection service or at one of the waste and recycling centres across the region.

Rather than attempt to build and burn your own bonfire and set off your own fireworks, attending a public display will be safer, probably cheaper and more spectacular for all concerned.


Patrols will be working alongside Humberside Police to identify illegal bonfires being built in the run up Bonfire Night itself. Clear up costs can be huge when public grassland is damaged and dangerous items such as fridges, aerosols and paint pots have been put on an illegal bonfire.

As always, there will be a crackdown on the illegal sale of fireworks. If the public are concerned by rogue suppliers or fly-tipping, then they should ring their local Council on the numbers below:

East Riding of Yorkshire Council – 01482 393939
Hull City Council – 01482 300300
North East Lincolnshire Council – 01472 313131
North Lincolnshire Council – 01724 297000

Fireworks are part of the bonfire night celebrations but if not used property can be very dangerous. The Service urges residents to follow this safety advice to ensure people’s safety:

  • Use only BS 7114 Fireworks. Check this when you are buying. All reputable dealers will only sell fireworks to this standard
  • Keep fireworks in a closed box
  • Read instruction labels in the dark with a torch and NEVER a naked flame
  • Follow the instructions on each firework
  • Light all fireworks at arms length
  • Stand well back - perhaps put a rope or tape at a safe distance
  • Never go back to a lit firework
  • Never throw fireworks
  • Keep pets indoors
  • Check your bonfire for pets or hibernating animals such as hedgehogs before lighting

Sparklers present a different sort of danger at private or public bonfires or firework displays. A simple sparkler reaches a temperature of up to 2,000°C and should be handled with upmost care. To ensure you, your family and friends remain safe when using sparklers, follow the advice below.

Sparkler Safety tips

Store sparklers and other fireworks in a closed box in a cool, dry place. Always light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves. Never hold a baby or child if you have a sparkler in your hand. Plunge finished sparklers hot end down into a bucket of water as soon as they have burnt out. They can stay hot for a long time. Don't take sparklers to public displays. It will be too crowded to use them safely.

Sparkler Safety for Children

Never give sparklers to the under 5s - they will not understand how to use them safely. Always supervise children using sparklers. Give children gloves to wear when holding sparklers. Avoid dressing children in loose or flowing clothes - they may catch light. Show children how to hold sparklers - away from their body and at arm's length. Teach children not to wave sparklers near anyone else or run while holding them.

Sparkler Safety in an Emergency

Keep calm. You can't help if you're panicking.
Cool the burn or scald with cold water for at least 10 minutes.
Never rub butter, oil or ointment into a burn.
Cut around material sticking to the skin - don't pull it off.
Take off any tight belts or jewellery that the injured person is wearing as burned skin can swell.
Don't touch the burn or burst any blisters.
Cover the burn with clean, smooth, non-fluffy material (like a pillowcase or clingfilm), to keep out infection until it can be properly dressed.
If clothing catches fire, get the person to stop, drop to the floor and roll them in heavy material like a curtain.
Unless the burn is very small, go to hospital.
If the burn is very serious, or the person is (or was) unconscious, dial 999.
Don't give a seriously burned person anything to eat or drink after the accident, in case there's a need for anaesthetic at the hospital.

Humberside Fire and Rescue Service will be tweeting safety messages over the Bonfire Night period. Twitter users can follow @HumbersideFire and #HFRSBonfire or visit our facebook page